Posted on Saturday, March 20, 2010, 9:21 PM. 0 comment/s.
The title of this post is a song title - Run Devil Run. So far, I know two versions of it, one from So Nyu Shi Dae (Girl's Generation), and one from Kesha. I used the song title as my blog post title because I like the song, and this is the first thing that popped out of my mind while thinking of a blog post title.

So, I went to SM a while ago because my friend celebrated her birthday. I had fun, even though I think it is quite bitin. We planned to watch a movie, but it didn't happen because of some reasons. We ate lunch at KFC. At first, it was not that fun, but as time goes, it went better. We talked about a lot of things. Also, I think the siblings (particularly sisters) of my friend (the celebrant) are fun to be with. Because I did not bring my digital camera, and my phone got low battery, I only took few pictures, so here they are:

Click the pictures for a larger view.

And because we haven't watched a movie, I hope there will be a second chance. I think a friend's house will be a good place for watching a movie, instead of movie theaters or cinemas on SM. And I want to watch horror movies with friends. It would be really fun.